Technical Pages
Stator Plate testing NEW
Piaggio's Technical Notes and Workshop Reference file NEW CLASSIFIED
Tips for Long Rides
Hydraulic Systems information Sheet (pdf file)
Torque settings
PX Electrics plan (pdf file)
T5 Owner's Manual (pdf file)
Catalogue of Vespa Parts (German company, but it's also in English.)
Want to tow a trailer?
A full motorcycle holder may tow a trailer even though this entitlement is not shown on the main part of the driving licence. It IS mentioned in note 2 of the counterpart. However, there are certain constraints on the type of trailers that can be used, these are stipulated within Regulation 84 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulation 1986. There is a wide range of trailer types and many methods of coupling the trailer to the motorcycle. One of the most common used is the "swan neck" coupling. Any enquiries regarding the construction of trailers and methods of coupling should be referred to
Vehicle Standards and Engineering 4, Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DR
Motorcycle Trailers Regulation 84 Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986
All motorcycles
A motorcycle may not:-
- draw more than 1 trailer, carry any passengers in the trailer (unless it is towing a broken down motorcycle)
- draw a trailer with an unladen weight exceeding 254kg (unless it is towing a broken down motorcycle).
- Learners cannot tow trailers.
Solo Motorcycles
2 wheel motorcycle without sidecars may not (unless it is towing a broken down motorcycle)
- If not exceeding 125cc draw any trailer
- If exceeding 125cc draw a trailer which exceeds 1metre overall width, allow the distance between the rear axle of the motorcycle and the rear of the trailer to exceed 2.5m, draw a trailer, the laden weight of which exceeds two thirds kerbside weight of the motorcycle or a maximum of 150kg
- and must display kerbside weight on motorcycle unladen weight on trailer. As for Europe.
- Standard trailer lighting regulations apply including reflective triangles, two for twin wheel trailers and one for single wheel trailers.
- Also breakdown companies will not give cover for home made chassis. You can buy a factor chassis and put your own bodywork on it. It does not have to be rubber block suspension. Radial arm and telescopic suspension that does not shake up your camping kit so much is available.
Technically if a trailer is legal in the UK it can be used in any other EU country even if trailers are not road legal in that country.
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Page updated 09/10/2020